Emagic Unitor 8 Driver Win7

Are you shure? I still use XP, but my new PC is built for the new system ( 6Gb RAM, i7).

And win7 32bit? I am not sure whats better for Cubase4.52 - 32bit or 64bit?no 64bit drivers = no worky in 64bit windows and an ancient serial interface like that will definitely not have drivers. Convert Psx Iso To Ps3 Pkg Files. May work in 32bit win7 but dont get your hopes up. I would run 32bit C4 in 64bit Win7. Why use a 8 year old OS on a state of the art computer (Especially if you have over 4 gigs of ram)? Just get a modern midi interface, end of story. Motu and edirol are decent.
Personally, I use Ploytec GM5s which by far have the best timing of any midi interface I have ever ownedIt looks promissing. I´ve also checked MOTU and MIDEX8 and lot of users have some problems. (Midex with AN1x what is my synth also and with sysex, MOTU with XP drivers - what will happen in win7 nobody knows.) I can built the the interafce with GM5, but its work and time. Broadsoft Outlook Toolbar Disappears. Its really confusing that here is so few big high quality and stable midi interfaces as Unitor8.