Install Packages Mac
Install.packages('Rcmdr', dependencies=TRUE. Like most software installation, things are easier on a Mac than under MSwin (it's the unix, stupid). I sometimes need to install updates remotely on a server I maintain. I already knew about the command line version of softwareupdate, but I was looking for a way to.

/usr/sbin/installer The installer command is used to install Mac OS X installer packages to a specified domain or volume. The installer command installs a single package per invocation, which is specified with the -package parameter ( -pkg is accepted as a synonym). It may be either a single package or a metapackage. In the case of the metapackage, the packages which are part of the default install will be installed unless disqualified by a package's check tool(s).

See man installer for the full functionality. Often sudo installer -pkg /path/to/package.pkg -target / is all that's needed. Install all.pkg files from the current folder to /Applications: for f in *. Eetools Chipmax 2 Software. pkg; do sudo installer -verbose -pkg '$f' -target / done As an alternative you can install the packages to your home folder with -target ~. Mengapa Uc Tidak Memproaes Download more. They will end up in /Users//Applications unless a specific path is predefined in the installer. If you need to see what exactly an pkg installer contains and what pre- and post-install scripts will be run then you could install (freeware), and use quick preview from Finder while the.pkg file is selected. Pressing spacebar in Finder with the file selected should work too.