Letter Of Intent To Foundations Template For Letter

Even when you've done an excellent job of, it's hard to be sure that your organization and that foundation is a good fit. The proposal letter can be another test of whether you and the funder are a good match. From the foundation's viewpoint, It's just faster to make that first cut of possible funding ideas with a two to three-page letter rather than a full proposal package. Once the foundation decides that your project may be a good fit for its goals and funding priorities, it may ask you to send a full-blown proposal. A letter of inquiry may be a lot easier for the nonprofit too. But, just as for an audition, you mustn't take an LOI for granted or just dash something off quickly. An LOI may be your best chance to make a good first impression.

Sample Letter of Inquiry to a Foundation. The Foundation Name Address City, State Zip. Attn: (Recipient Name). Re: (Name of Project or Grant). Dear: (Recipient Name). The XYZ organization is a private nonprofit agency that has taken the lead in providing temporary shelter for young 'street people' in ABC city. I am writing. If you are involved in non-profit work, you know how important fund raising is in maintaining the important activities you do, and achieving your future goals. A Letter of Intent for Grant for Non-Profit can help you produce a successful request for funds from an individual donor, foundation, or government organization.
What Should You Include in an LOI? The proposal letter is very similar to a proposal except that it is short.a mini-proposal. Sending an LOI before you complete a proposal is a way to get valuable feedback that you can use to revise your proposal ideas. Elements of a Typical Letter of Inquiry • Introduction The introduction should be a. It includes the name of your organization, the amount of money requested, and a description of the project. You'll want to explain how the project fits with the funder's guidelines and funding interests. • Organizational Description Be concise and concentrate on your organization's that you've stated.
Give a brief history of your nonprofit and provide an overview of your programs. Make sure to connect directly what you currently do and what you want to accomplish with the requested funding.
• Statement of Need Explain the. Describe the target population and geographic area. Provide a few significant statistical facts and several examples.
• Methodology How will you solve the need? Describe the project succinctly and include the major activities, names, and titles of key project staff, and your. • Other Funding Sources If you are approaching other agencies or nonprofits for, mention them in a brief paragraph.
Include whatever funding you've already gotten and explain how you expect to support the project after the start-up period. • Summary Restate the intent of your project, invite additional questions and thank the funder for his or her time and consideration. Include any attachments asked for in the funder's guidelines. A for your letter of inquiry. Check the funder's guidelines.
Some guidelines are precise, and it is important to follow them exactly. Download Avatar The Legend Of Korra Book 1 Episode 11 Sub Indo here. But, also, Mimi Carlson, author of Winning Grants: Step by Step, suggests that you review your LOI with these questions in mind: • Did I state the name of the project and the amount of money I'm seeking in the first paragraph? • Does my second paragraph elaborate adequately about the project and any related projects? • Did I include our mission statement? • Did I lay out the need for the project? • Have I been clear about the outcomes the project will achieve?
• Is the implementation of the project clear? • Have I made a case for a good fit between this project and the foundation's priorities? • Did I include information about any funding already committed? • Have I included the contact details for a particular person who can answer questions? Review the before attempting the letter of inquiry. You can see additional samples of letters of inquiry in the Foundation Center's excellent book,. A Sample LOI John Hunter Program Officer Anywhere Community Foundation 625 Smith St.
Any City, XN 28905 Dear Mr. Hunter: Thank you for reading this letter of inquiry to your Anywhere Community Foundation. We hope to determine your interest in receiving a full proposal for our Any City Senior Center's Women's Outreach Pilot Program.
We are respectfully requesting your consideration of a grant of $35,000. This project is our first outreach to senior women in their homes. We are finding more and more senior women stay in their homes when they cannot get out to visit facilities such as our Senior Center. We plan to provide socialization opportunities, health and wellness information, and social services when needed to women who are isolated from the community. Our pilot program fits squarely within your Foundation's areas of interest: health services for seniors; increasing outreach to the home-bound elderly; and helping providers of elder services to achieve greater reach within a community.