Technical Editing Fifth Edition Rude
Description This market-leading text, which reflects recent changes in technology, workplace practices and the global marketplace, progresses from concepts and basic copyediting to comprehensive editing, management and production issues. Technical Editing approaches editing comprehensively, defining editorial responsibility not as sentence-level revisions for correctness but rather in terms of information design and the overall effectiveness of a document in helping readers understand and complete tasks. Students learn that the measure of a “good” document is in part outside that document, in the document’s “match” to the users' needs and the author's goals. Table of Contents I. PEOPLE AND PURPOSES. Editing: The Big Picture. Scenario One: A Full-Time, In-House Editor.
The Product Team. Planning for Design and Production Editorial Review Client Review Scenario Two: A Freelance Editor. The Team, the Project, and the Process. Comment: Editing In-House and Freelance.
Technical Editing approaches editing comprehensively. For Technical Editing, 5th Edition. Instructor's Manual (Download only) for Technical Editing, 5th Edition Rude. Up to 90% off Textbooks at Amazon Canada. Plus, free two-day shipping for six months when you sign up for Amazon Prime for Students.
The Editing Process. Text Editing. Comprehensive Editing Basic Copyediting Proofreading Preparing Documents for Publication. Document Development and Production: Summary of the Process. The Technical Part of Technical Editing.
Technical Subject Matter and Method. Technical Genres. What Skills Does a Technical Editor Need? Reader Expert. Communication Expert Language Expert.
Technical Editors Deal Tactfully with Writers Technical Editors Manage Projects Competently Technical Editors Aren’t Afraid of Technical Information Technical Editors Double-Check Their Instincts Using Your Knowledge Discussion and Application 2. Readers, Users, Browsers, Problem Solvers. Texts and Contexts. Origins and Impact: The Problem and Solution. Readers and Use of the Document. Culture and Expectations.
Constraints on Development and Production. Context in Review. How Readers Use Documents. Creating Meaning. Reading Selectively. Reading To Comprehend: Content, Signals, Noise.
Undesirable Signals: Noise. Researching Readers, Usability Testing. Qsoft Ramdisk X64 Crackle. Designing Documents for Use. Using Your Knowledge. Further Reading. Discussion and Application.
What Is “Open Heart Surgery”? Bricker, M.D. Collaborating with Writers. Who Are the Writers of Technical Documents? The Editor–Writer Relationship.
What Writers Like Most about Editors What Writers Dislike Most about Editors Strategies for Working with Writers. Edit Effectively. Manage Efficiently and Communicate Well.
Be Your Professional Self Correspondence with Writers. Queries and Comments Letters of Transmittal. Corresponding with International Writers. Using Your Knowledge. Discussion and Application. METHODS AND TOOLS.
Marking Paper Copy. The Symbols of Editorial Markup. Placing the Marks on the Page.
Marking Consistently. Distinguishing Marginal Notes from Text Emendations. Special Problems of Markup. Hyphens and Dashes. Ambiguous Letters and Symbols; Unusual Spellings. Headings, Tables, References, and Lists.
Marks for Graphic Design. Queries to Writers. Using Your Knowledge. Discussion and Application. Computer Viruses 5.
Marking Digital Copy. Procedural Markup versus Structural Markup. Styles and Templates. Markup Languages for Online Documents. Cascading Style Sheets.
Editing and Information Management. Using Your Knowledge. Discussion and Application. Electronic Editing by David Dayton. How Do Technical Communicators Edit Online? What’s It to You?